Mission: The Office of Student Services operates to support students and parents in gaining access to the educational programs of the school district that will promote success for the individual student. Our primary purpose is to support a learning environment and professional culture of caring. We support students’ emotional and physical well-being as well as their intellectual, cultural, and social development.
The programs and services provided by the OSS fall within six major areas: mental health counseling; school social work; student health services; student academic assistance; attendance services; and positive youth development. The Office of Student Services also provides support services for students that include, but is not limited to, McKinney-Vento Services, Foster Placements, and Alternative Student Placement options. The Office of Student Services collaborates with School Administrations, Mental Health Counselors, Clinical & School Social Workers, School Counselors, and Behavior Interventionists. The goal of the Office of Student Services is to provide comprehensive support systems and advocate for agency, equity, access, wellness, and success for all students.
Helpful Resources and Links:
· Text HOME to 741747 to reach a Crisis Counselor
· SCHOPES is a statewide support line for individuals whose mental health has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The toll-free support line is available to all South Carolinians 24/7 at 1 (844) SC-HOPES (724-6737) and 1(833) TU‐APOYO (882‐7696) (en Español). Additionally, VP 803-339-3339 is available for those who are deaf and hard of hearing.